Monday, April 1, 2013



  • Art
  • Dreams
  • People
  • Gaming
  • School
  • God
  • Race
  • Anxiety
  • Literature
  • Writing

The idea here is to take an image of my Wacom tablet and fill the "screen" with a collage that represents me.  The tablet has eight smaller buttons and a larger pair of concentric circular buttons, giving me nine or ten categories, which is perfect.  The categories will be divided by colour in an organic fashion, with relevant images collaged within their respective categories.  On top of the collaged categories will be a self-portrait, because I don't like photographing my own face. XD  The main part of the head will be opaque, but the hair should fade out/blend into the collage towards the ends. 


Very rough concept work, just blocking in possible section layout and such.  I can't do a lot until I get photos taken, which will take some time outside class.  This is just a horrible, horrible draft thrown together with non-stock images for lack of resources in class at the moment.  Will be replaced when I get something legitimate together.

Here we go. An actual, unedited photo of my lovely tablet. <3

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