Monday, April 15, 2013


So I was discussing my project with my professor, and she suggested that I take a look at Milton Glaser's Bob Dylan for further inspiration on more abstract, stylized hair for my portrait.  After some thought, I ended up deciding to redo things a bit and get more detailed.  I'm much happier with the result.

04/15 class - Colouring the hair in more detail will be the next step! 

04/15 evening - Colouuuuuuurs. 

04/17 class - Imported the portrait onto the final image... starting to work in other images.  Thus far I've been placing images as hard light layers for the most part.  Some have been grayscaled in order to keep a red/orange colour uniformity.  I'm a bit torn between making them easier to see and leaving them as is.  The image is a bit busy as is, which is concerning, and making the individual images easier to see will make it even busier.  On the other hand, I'm a little worried that I've got too much focus on my portrait--it's hard not to be biased in favour of it, since I spent so much time on it... I don't know, we'll see.

04/17 class - Oh, yeah, there's also a texture on this.  Coffee stained paper, but I'm not sure whether or not I want to keep it.  I may test some other textures later.  Added colour-coded buttons, debating whether to add text labels to them.  Depends on how abstract this is going to be overall, I guess.  This is kind of getting out of hand.

Victories thus far: 
  • Colours are no longer blinding, which is a problem I had before.  
  • Hair is a bit more stylized, which I like.

  • Too much colour?  Too busy?  I'm worried it's just getting overdone and overcrowded. 
  • Portrait overly dominant?  I like it better this way, but I'm not sure this places much of an emphasis on this as a Photoshop project specifically...

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