Monday, February 18, 2013

Taking a stand

First draft of my PSA on racehorse abuse.  I'm debating whether or not to put up some statistics--the plus side is, I get more info onto the page.  The potential minus: lowering the impact, weighing the viewer down with too much text.  I think the image should speak for itself, but how much?

Also... the composite aspect of the picture is subtle--hopefully not too subtle!  I didn't want to be too gross or morbid about this, so I confined a very tame image, highly darkened, inside the horse's eye.  I'm torn between showing people just how awful the situation is and making something that can be shown and spread.

Stock image by Vance-Equine-Stock.


  1. Good research and nice composition. I see where you're headed. I'm having difficulty seeing what the image is in the eye area. Be sure the Headline and Subhead link to your visual -- if it's not 100% clear to the viewer you may need to add support text. We can wordsmith more Wednesday. Keep up the good work!

  2. Okay, thank you! The image in the eye is a horse at a slaughterhouse, but it's been pretty tricky trying to pick something that won't be too graphic, yet still conveys the message. Luckily, that's on a separate layer, so I can really easily replace it with anything else.
