Monday, February 18, 2013

Doing our part

Underground, by Yuumei

Another inspiration image!!  Not that she needs it, but I just want to feature one of my three biggest artistic idols, Yuumei, as she seems quite fitting for the current PSA project my class is working on.  Not only is she an incredibly gifted artist, but Yuumei has been working extremely hard for years on activism through her art.  Her first big success, 1000 Words, was a flash story dealing with divorce and its consequences that has been so widely read and loved that it recently made it into print.  The second, Knite, is a heavily environmentalist story that is still running, featuring a boy who tries to put stars back into the polluted skies of China.  Nearly everything she draws is inspired by some issue, some problem, and an admirable drive to contribute to the solution.

The image featured here is from her upcoming third major story, Fisheye Placebo, which deals with censorship, hackers, and freedom of information.  I can't even describe how excited I am for the first release!!!!! 

Anyways... as far as activism, public service, and current issues are concerned, I can't think of a more inspiring individual than Yuumei.  Check her out, read her stories, and let her persuade you to do your part!  :)

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