Monday, January 28, 2013


Attempting to synergize fast and slow, momentum and inertia, the dynamic and the stationary, in a variety of different ways. 

"Crash and burn" takes a (relatively) stationary Earth at collision with a dynamic asteroid. 
Crash and burn
"Slowest race" is not so much speed of movement as speed of consumption. 
Slowest race
"E=MC2" is an attempt to visualize the conversion of matter into energy using the speed of light.  Stationary to dynamic.  
"Slothful speed" is... well, a stationary object moving.  Sort of.  
Slothful speed
"Stationary speed demon" is a trophy of a skier--frozen movement.  See what I did there?  
Stationary speed demon
"Unstoppable force, immovable object"--well, rather self-explanatory.  
Unstoppable force, immovable object
"Gyroclock" is a stationary (dead) clock in motion.  
"Don't dance too fast" is a reference to a great poem, basically. 
Don't dance too fast
"Windswept" is stop-and-smell-the-flowers, where the speed is the implied movement of the wind, interacting with stationary/slow-moving figures.  
"The tortoise and the hare" is also self-explanatory, though it has the added elements of earth and water, just to further emphasize the slow vs. fast contrast.  
The tortoise and the hare
"Treading on thin ice"--torn between moving slowly to avoid going under, but also needing very badly to move faster to avoid going under.  
Treading on thin ice
"Momentum" is a large, heavy ship, being slowly moved along by a strong, fast wind.

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